
It's on the Tip of My Tongue... Oops! Not Anymore

My memory. Where did it go?

No, I didn't join Michael Phelps at a frat party.

On the other hand, I had five major surgeries in 2006 and 2007 and lingering chronic illness that have taken a tremendous toll on my memory. Add to that some menopausal symptoms and the fact that I'm not getting any younger (yeah, I know, I've whined about that already) and, well, here's what happened:

I forgot what I was going to blog about today. I'm serious! A thought-provoking topic evaporated from my gray matter without leaving any impression whatsoever. It happens often.

And don't even bother telling me your name - at least, not if you expect me to remember it. I'm sorry, but I'm going to forget your name; I'll probably remember who you are but that's about it. I might even forget your face - how pathetic is that?! For crying out loud - I was a bartender for years and remembering people (and especially, remembering what they drank) was the foundation of my earnings (drinkers don't tip much if you can't remember what they're pounding down at the bar). I'd go broke today.

Instead of blogging about, well, whatever it was, let me tell you about Dooce, one of my favorite blogs. Heather Armstrong, the author, has a razor-like wit and makes me laugh out loud. The fodder for her dialy musings? Daughter Leta, who is testament to the adage that "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Moreover, Heather is a terrific photographer and showcases some of her photos ("Daily Photo") on her blog. You'll also appreciate commentaries about her dog ("Daily Chuck") and the stylish items she profiles ("Daily Style"). And be sure to peruse the archives.

Enjoy Dooce - it will be good for you. And next time I have a good blogging idea, I'll write it down (if I can remember).

Top photo by Alistair Williamson

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