
So Many Lessons to Learn About Paying for College: One College's Financial Aid Web Pages are a Great Resource

Paying for college - Holy cow! I had heard a little about it but wasn't until I actually started the process a year ago, as part of my high school senior's college search, that I realized ALL that was involved (and just how crazy some of it seems).

Understanding FAFSA, EFC, merit-based aid vs. need-based aid, etc. is critical when it comes to navigating financial aid. Bethany University in California has a website that features, among other things, Financial Aid 101. There are many resources out there and this is one of my favorites. Definitions are clear and plenty of examples make the explanations more concrete.

I'll address some of the crazy parts of the financial aid process another time. For now, let me offer you a large bottle of caplets for the headache you're going to have, tissues to dry the tears you'll shed and all the good luck in the world.


Admiration for the Smart, Witty People Who Make Me Laugh

I saw something on TV a few nights ago that was so funny, I snorted when I laughed. Mind you, I'm not proud of the snorting - not very ladylike and all that, after all - but the bit by Stephen Colbert was clever, edgy and hilarious.

So funny, in fact, that I want to share it with you. This clip from the Colbert Report - "Affirmative Inaction" - won't take long to view and, hopefully, will tickle your funny bone, too. Just don't blame me if you start snorting.