
We're Living in Historic Times

The day after the 2008 presidential election, I emphasized to my children how historic the election was, a first-of-its-kind moment that will appear in history books, of which countless books will be written and centuries of great thinkers will analyze and theorize.

"And you're alive to see and hear it happen," I told them, struggling to find a way to make my words break through the wah-wah-wah they hear whenever my mouth opens. "This is important!"

"I know, I know." Pause. "Can Caroline come over after school?"

Fine. Actually, our family has talked about the election, the candidates, proposed amendments and much more on quite a few occasions; my children are far more attuned to politics than I was as a teenager. (I was a preteen when Nixon left the White House in disgrace and I hate to admit how little I knew then about his impeachment and the surrounding circumstances.) I 'spose Watergate is included in the history books my kids read...

Politics, the Web, our economy, medical advancements, societal changes, war - it's all fascinating. I look forward to living it all, surviving the ups and downs and celebrating every bit that comes our way.

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