
I'm an iPod Slacker Because of My Teenagers

It's not my fault. I'm blaming this one on the kids.

You see, I could have cared less about iPods and MP3 players and the whole deal a few years ago, but then I actually listened to someone's iPod and, well, the clouds parted, the sun's rays beamed down on me and angels sang. Well, not exactly angels - some band was signing and the clarity of the music hooked me right away. I was ready for an iPod.

But all those directions! I'm not a Mac person and didn't understand the nuances of the single vertical line versus the double vertical lines versus the arrow - and that was only to turn the iPod on. Downloading the software was easy enough, but understanding how it all worked, what should be turned on or off to download or upload - it's too much. Not what I wanted to invest a lot of time learning. So my kids did it for me.

The result? I'm still helpless. I had to erase my iPod for some reason and now it's useless until I load it again. So my iPod has idled on my desk for months, empty. I haven't even been able to use the docking station I received for Christmas (yes, it's been THAT long). I resisted asking my kids for help: After all, isn't it better to teach me to fish than to give me one to eat?

Too bad. It's another year and more before my son will leave for college. My daughter is only a high school freshman. No need to learn the technology now, when it will just evolve again. Fiddle dee dee. Tomorrow's another day. (Insert your own lame phrase here.)

Like I said before... it's not my fault, so don't blame me.

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